Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Users Complain About Shoddy AirPods Battery Life, Here Are Two Ways to Get Yours Working Properly

While the initial “word on the street,” so far as it pertains to Apple’s AirPods, is an overwhelmingly positive one — boasting of the truly wireless headphone’s premium quality and stellar audio playback performance, several users, in recent days, have nonetheless been reporting that their AirPods seem to be plagued by some sort of battery issue. According to MacRumors, for example, several users on Reddit have been reporting “large drops” — by as much as 30%, in some instances — in battery capacity overnight.

However, as one clever Redditor noted in his post, the problem appears to result from the AirPods, themselves, not fully powering down when they’re placed back inside their case for overnight storage. In this way, they remain connected via Bluetooth to your iPhone or other devices — draining battery throughout the night. He goes on to detail a method by which your AirPods can be reset, however, he clearly notes that while the fix appears to have worked wonders for some users, others are not getting such positive results. So if your AirPods appear to be draining battery quicker than normal, this trick is at least worth a shot to see if you can get them up to speed.

How to Reset Your AirPods in Two Easy Steps

Step 1: Place both AirPods into their form-fitted storage case > press-hold the Set up button located on the exterior of the case for about 15-seconds (or until the interior status light begins flashing Amber, and then White.) > wait until the lights stop flashing.

Step 2: Remove your completely reset AirPods from the storage case, and then manually pair them with all your devices as if they were new. (NOTE: you’ll have to manually reconfigure certain settings, such as double-tap to pause, for example, that may have been configured before — as the reset will have voided these custom settings.)

Resetting Your AirPods Didn’t Help? Try This

If the issue persists even despite the reset, an alternative option is to allow your AirPods — and the case — to completely, 100% burn through their battery, prior to placing them back in the case to recharge in full. There’s no guarantee the alternate method works any better than the original, or vice versa, but as avid Redditor depressedsports alleges, he was able, via this alternate method, to improve his AirPods battery performance by about 75%.

Of course, if neither of the two aforementioned methods seem to be solving the problem, we recommend getting in touch with Apple Customer Support directly.

Learn More: 5 Tips and Tricks Every AirPods Owner Should Know

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